ReefLifeEliteR AragoniteMediaTM
Barcode :
Weight : Volume : Treat up to : Packaging :
009989110649 40 oz / 1.1 kg 35 fl oz / 1 liters Depth 1" @ 2 foot2
PE Zip Bag
009989110656 200 oz / 5.7 kg 170 fl oz / 5 liters Depth 1" @ 4 foot2 PVC Bucket
009989110663 400 oz / 11.4 kg 340 fl oz / 10 liters Depth 1" @ 8 foot2 PVC Bucket
009989110670 800 oz / 22.8 kg 680 fl oz / 20 liters Depth 1" @ 4 foot2 PVC Bucket
Benefit :
ReefLifeEliteR AragoniteMediaTM containing not only calcium and carbonate, but essential trace elements as well.
In fact ReefLifeEliteR AragoniteMediaTM has nearly 10 times the calcium of other brands (420,000 ppm)
ReefLifeEliteR AragoniteMediaTM is processed for immediate use, no rinsing required, and has double the surface area of regular aragonite.
Precision grading (5-10 mm) allows for maximum carbon dioxide penetration. ReefLifeEliteR AragoniteMediaTM no contain the shells or corals ensures the free phosphate and silica.
ReefLifeEliteR AragoniteMediaTM has the highest solubility of any reactor media available, so CO2 consumption is much lower.
Directions :
Possible rinse with tap water to flow through before use.
Calcium Reactor : Load ReefLifeEliteR AragoniteMediaTM 80-90% of chamber and keep to full level every 1-2 months.
For Decoration : Place ReefLifeEliteR AragoniteMediaTM as you like it.
To Calculate :
Width (inc) x Length (inc) x Depth of soil (inc) / 64 = Volume of sands
For example
20" x 48" x 1" / 64 = 15 liters of sands
Width (cm) x Length (cm) x Depth of soil (cm) / 1000 = Volume of sands
For example
50 cm x 120 cm x 2.5 cm / 1000 = 15 liters of sands
Ingredients :
Natural Aragonite 100%
Specification :
Diameter : 5-10 mm
Specific surface according to BET : 100m3/g
Moisture Content : 5%
Ash Content : 2%
PH : 8-10
Hardness : ?99%
Total porosity : min 10%
Density : 1.8 kg/m3
Remark :
Keep out of reach of children.
Safe for human consumption.
Not recommend for freshwater plant.
Recommend for Malawi and Tanganyika in freshwater tank.
Best for reef tank.
Recommend product boosting effective :



PetLifeEliteR NitroBacteriaTM



PetLifeEliteR NitroBacteriaPTM



PetLifeEliteR PlatinumNitroBacteriaTM



ReefLifeEliteR SulfurMediaTM

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